Saturday, October 11, 2008

this week

For those of you have not heard, I got a new job. I'm still at Holloman, but I moved to a new squadron, the High Speed Test Track. That has been going well and it seems to be a really fun job.

Last night I had a going away party with people from my old squadron. It was nice to have everybody in one place to say goodbye. As part of that I gave a gift to the squadron. That's the project that Sarah has been talking about.

I made a big (4' x 6') board with pegs on it for the squadron bar; they will put mugs on it. I bought all of the materials last weekend, but I did not actually start working on the project until Wednesday night. I had to stay up until about 1 in the morning both Wednesday and Thursday working on it because I had waited so long to start. It ended up looking really great, but I cannot put a picture of it here. Well I can, just not yet. It's at somebody else's house right now and I have not yet had a chance to take a picture of it. I'm going to help them hang it on the wall of the bar though, and I'll get a picture of it then. When you see a picture you'll understand why it took so long just to stain a board and glue some pegs to it.

Today a couple of friends came over and helped me set up my motorcycle (the carbs were very badly out of sync). I'm looking forward to riding it. Otherwise Sarah and I just relaxed and made milkshakes. Well, Sarah did have a baby shower this morning, but I don't know much about that.

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