Tuesday, August 25, 2009


It's been a busy few weeks for us Firths. Making the trip from NM to OH was a piece of cake compared to all the unpacking that awaited us when we arrived!

Jordan's dad came and helped him drive our cars from NM to OH because Liza and I flew. I'm really glad we did it that way because I don't think Liza would have done very well in the car for several days in a row. I think I definitely got the easier job even though Liza was a little difficult on the plane. I got to see both of our families and had a great time visiting.

Since we've been here, the weather has been great. Sure we've had some rain but I'm loving it. Today we went to a park with some friends and threw a Frisbee. The park is green and beautiful. I have a feeling we'll be going again sometime soon.

Liza is moving around all over the place! She's not walking on her own yet but she holds on to the furniture and walks around to everything. She's gotten braver lately and transitions to other pieces of furniture that she really has to reach for. It's fun to watch her do it but a few times she's fallen and hurt her mouth. She's bled 3 times from hitting her mouth on the coffee table. It doesn't seem to stop her though! She gets right back up and does it again (after a good cry of course).

So far Jordan has been able to spend a lot of time at home. I know that'll change when classes start here pretty soon, but we've enjoyed the time together as a family. Here are a couple of pictures from the park today.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

home again

We are finally in our house in Ohio. We have been in the process of moving for so long that it is a relief to get here.

The movers came last Monday, and we are about 95% unpacked and probably 45% organized. We're getting there. The only important thing that we have left to unpack is the hardware for Liza's crib. Somehow that has eluded us so far, so she is sleeping in a pack n play in the laundry room.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Yesterday Sarah pointed out to me that my post sounded kind of mean about Jason running (or not running) with me. Of course, my only response was, "I know."

My jokes often get confused with insults in real-life, thanks to my "subtle" humorous tone. It's probably closer to the truth to say that I'm just bad at it. So of course, when I write something similar with absolutely no inflection, I know that it's going to be mistaken for meanness.

So, sorry Jason, I don't mind at all that we're not running this one, and we'll pick another one in the future. Just 24.2 more before we can take our trip to Greece.


This weekend Sarah and I have been working frantically--cleaning the house, visiting friends, and packing our belongings. Sarah leaves tomorrow (with Liza), and I leave on Wednesday. As it turns out, this is a lot of work.

We are also recovering from colds. Yes, all 3 of us. Heidi has so far managed to escape, but the rest of us have had sore throats and runny noses for 4 or 5 days. Being sick has really thrown our run training off schedule, which makes this as good a time as any to mention the fact that...

We decided to run the 10k at the AF Marathon in September. It's at Wright-Patterson, so we won't have to travel very far to do it, and we had just enough time to train for it together. Sarah was scared at first, but she's doing a great job, and we're having a lot of fun running together as we train for the event. I had initially been planning on running the marathon, but my friend Jason backed out on me and, well, I can't run a marathon without him.

So we're excited to move. We should be in our new home (which we have never seen) on Monday, a week from tomorrow.