Sunday, February 22, 2009

lip sucker

Liza has started sucking on her bottom lip. It's quite hilarious.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Liza is HUGE"

I was inspired by my brother's comment to my Facebook picture to share with you just how much Liza has grown in these last 3 1/2 months. It is truly amazing to me how big she has gotten. We go to the doctor on 9 March to find out how much she weighs and all that but to give you an idea, she is now wearing 6-9 month clothing.

This is a picture of Liza from November:

and this is a picture of Liza from tonight:

Isn't it just unbelievable? It is all just going by so quickly. She is such a joy and I can't tell you how absolutely honored I am that the Lord has granted us this blessing of parenthood. It is a responsibility that we cherish everyday.
Tonight we went to a roof stomp for a new member of the 586th. We're not part of that squadron anymore, but Bernadette invited us to go and we were so excited! We just love hanging out with those guys.
I have been a little disappointed with the sling that I bought for Liza because it was a little too small. At the recommendation of Bethany, I tried putting her in it a different way and it worked! She really liked sitting in it like this. She's basically folded in half this way but she really liked it! Here is a picture from the roof stomp tonight:
Here is another picture of Liza from tonight. She's our little thug baby.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine's Day

Jordan was very sweet and gave both Liza and me presents for Valentine's Day. I got a watch and a framed picture of us from Christmas and Liza got...

(Ignore the terrible picture of me... I don't have time to crop myself out.) It's a clock for her room! She was so excited!

Here are some more pictures of Liza. I just have to share because she's so darn cute!

We still love Heidi. Here is a recent picture of her.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

a week

Our family went to Albuquerque last week so that I could attend a conference. We had a really good time during the week, and then when the conference was over we took a few days to see some sights in New Mexico.

First we went to Santa Fe (the capital). On Thursday night we crashed early at a hotel, before going out to look for a place to eat dinner. When the owner of a small eclectic cafe learned that we were from out of town she said that it was good we had chosen to eat there because "This is Santa Fe." I think she was right.

On Friday we saw the Capitol, and walked around the downtown area of the city. If you have heard that Santa Fe is a very culturally rich city, you have heard correctly. Look at this sign for a grocery store that we saw:

We also saw some slightly more traditional artsy things, such as this fountain which had created a lot of frozen water. I thought it was neat, so I am going to make you look at it.

Also, I thought this was really cute.

We spent Friday night and Saturday morning at Jarred and Andrea's house. Tripp and Carly were also there, and we all had a great time together. Liza was the star of the show.

Monday, February 9, 2009

3 months? Already?

Yesterday, Liza turned 3 months old! I can't believe it's already been that long. She's doing really well. She still sleeps through the night, she's a great eater, and she's been talking up a storm! (She is limited to goo, guh and ah-goo but she says them ALL the time!)

I took a video and tried to have Liza say hello to her grandmas but instead she gave you a present at 0:15.

Liza smiles a lot but we haven't been able to catch it on camera because she always gives us lots of quick smiles instead of long ones. We finally got one though! Here it is:

Well it's not a full blown smile, but close enough!

I had a great time in El Paso at the Beth Moore conference. Jordan stayed at the hotel and got sick! I felt so bad for him but he insisted that he was fine to take care of Liza so I went ahead on Saturday morning to the rest of it. I think he did okay and he's feeling a lot better now. Tomorrow we're headed to Albuquerque. Jordan has a conference to go to for work and I think he's really looking forward to it. He's especially looking forward to getting shot with this "pain ray." I do not understand why anyone would volunteer to be shot with this thing that makes you feel like you're burning. You can read about it here:

Monday, February 2, 2009

Poor Neglected Baby

So Liza decided a while ago that she likes her bouncer so we'll put her in there quite often. She likes to play with the toys that hang from it and just look around and stare wide-eyed at Heidi. Yesterday we put her in there for just a couple of minutes while we got ourselves ready to go to a Super Bowl party. I didn't check on her for a few minutes because she wasn't fussing at all so when I finally went to look at her this was what I found:

I guess from now on I need to always use the buckle so that she stays in there and doesn't try to run away.

Things have continued to go well for us. Jordan is training for the Bataan Memorial Death March with his squadron and isn't enjoying that very much. He just doesn't like having to spend a bunch of extra time running. He'd rather spend it with me :-). (You can read about the Bataan if you want to here: He and his squadron are doing the half.)

Today I went to Bethany's house for a walk. Just before we did that though I fed Liza and after her meal she squealed with delight. It was so cute! I can't wait for her to get a full blown laugh going. She's made a "heh heh" noise while smiling several times now so I think it's just around the corner!

This weekend Jordan, Liza, and I are going to El Paso and I'm going to a Beth Moore conference! I'm very excited about this. Jordan is being very nice to me and letting me go on this girls' trip with my bible study while he stays with Liza at the hotel. What a nice husband I have. :-)