Monday, January 28, 2008

Gross Mexican Food

And the growth continues! Heidi grew a lot this week! She's now 15" long from her shoulders to the base of her tail and 15" tall from the ground to her shoulder! I can't believe how fast she grows... it's pretty crazy.

This is a picture from last night. One of our friends has a daughter named Josie and we babysat while she went to the movies. Heidi loved Josie because for some reason, a 6 year old has more energy than the two of us combined... go figure. They had fun playing together as evidenced by this movie:

Today we went to church and then to lunch with Shawn and Mia at this Mexican Restaurant we had not been to before. It was called El Camino and I didn't like it very much. Jordan enjoyed it and I think Shawn and Mia may have as well, but it just wasn't my thing. I think what really bugged me was that when we walked into the restaurant it smelled oddly similar to Heidi's puppy breath.... yeah....

After lunch we came back to our house and watched The Truman Show. The 4 of us enjoyed it very much. It was nice to hang out with Shawn and Mia this afternoon.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Heidi !

Heidi is now a lot bigger, and while her mistakes are still cute, they're not quite as cute as they used to be.

But, she's still very cute. Look at her!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

the door

As I mentioned before, Sarah and I decided to put in a new door. We got the new door in a flurry of excitement on Saturday evening, but when Monday morning came around and the flurry was gone, we weren't quite sure where to start.

Anyways, 13 hours later, it looked like this.

If it looks like there are still holes in the side of our house, that's because there are. Oh well. They're not that big.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Heidi !

Heidi is now 13.5 inches tall, and 12.5 inches long (from the shoulder to the base of the tail). She got her first bath today, and she hated it. I like it though, because she no longer smells like a dirty dog, now she just smells like a dog.

I have tomorrow off and we're going to work on the office, formerly known as the front room or the sunroom. We started this project intending only to make the walls smooth because three of them were painted wood paneling. That turned into a bigger project than expected and on top of that we then decided to replace the sliding door with french doors. Our goal tomorrow will be just to take the old door out and put the new door in. We'll let you know how it goes.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Heidi !

Well, it has been a while, but we finally have time to put some pictures of Heidi online. Tada!!

The day we brought her home she was tiny and didn't know what to do outside. She won't ever get any cuter than she was this day.

The pitter patter of her little feet is really cute
Heidi thinks she's going for a drive
She's small enough that she fits in our coffee table

Her favorite toy is a stuffed penguin from the Fulsons

Heidi was born on November 20th and we brought her home last Saturday. She was 10.5 inches tall at the shoulder and probably weighed right at 9.7 pounds. Today she is 12 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs over 10.5 pounds. We hope the growth continues until she's HUGE.

She's had quite a first week in our home. She terrorized a Bichon that we were dogsitting (it was about her size) and was terrified herself of a 40 pound border collie at our friends' house. She's been sick and was put on 4 medications (she is much better now) and has so far cost us over $300, which doesn't include dog toys and supplies. Oh my.

She was, however, nearly housetrained in 4 days, and has not had an accident in the house since Friday morning. We're so proud.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's a girl!

Today Sarah and I added a little bundle of joy to our family. We went to El Paso to look for dogs, and ended up taking home the first puppy that we saw.

She's a cute 7-week old German Shepherd named Heidi. Pictures will of course be forthcoming, and we also take requests for video-conference calls on Skype.