Saturday, January 31, 2009


Liza rolled over today! I mentioned that to my sister Hannah and she told me that, while she was sure that is was big news, it sure didn't sound very exciting. In the background I could hear my mom going crazy with excitement over her granddaughter rolling over. It was quite a contrast.

Here is a picture of Liza from a few weeks ago. It's a great picture of a very beautiful baby.

And here is a picture of her from tonight.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I'm so glad you write on your blog, Jordan and Sarah. Liza is such a beautiful girl. I'm pretty sure she's bigger than Israel. He hasn't been weighed in a while, but he was in the 10th percentile last time. I bet you hear, "Wow, she's so big!" a lot. I hear "Wow, he's so tiny!" It's neat how babies can be so different.
He used to despise tummy time, too.. I'd be lucky to get in a whole 60 seconds before he started freaking out. Now he enjoys it more.
She's beautiful! I can't wait to meet her. Hope it's soon.