Saturday, July 12, 2008

It has been a busy week. Our house was quite hectic with our friends over- two families and two dogs (who weren't allowed to play together). While Sugar was here though, Heidi learned not to pee in her crate when we left her, and she hasn't done it since. I think she would have been embarrassed to pee in front of another dog. Previously she had peed every single time we left her.

I have played basketball at church for a couple of Saturdays now, and it is a really good workout. The same was true today. I also worked in the yard for a while, and while our grass in the front is a bit thin, thin looks better than thin and overgrown. Now we just have to plant some flowers and bushes and it will look great.

Heidi weighed 54 pounds last time we had her weighed, so she's pretty big now. I think that she's probably close to her full height and length, but she'll probably put on a few more pounds. We threw a frisbee for her in the park tonight for the first time and she really enjoyed chasing it. She never did catch it in the air, but she'll figure that out soon enough.

We also bought a crib at a garage sale today. Sarah is very happy about that.

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