Sunday, September 9, 2007


Today we finally installed our RO system!

Our water in Alamogordo is really bad, so we had to put in a water softener, which makes it undrinkable (it's salty). So for 3+ months now we have had to walk or drive down the street (okay, it's only 2 blocks, but still) to get drinking water. Not a huge problem, but when you run out at 11PM, it's not the most exciting thing in the world.

Today though, we finally installed our reverse osmosis system. It took nearly all day, and we haven't actually had any of it yet, but it's going to be so nice to have such easily available water.

With that successful (albeit longer than expected) adventure and a near crippling thumb injury derived from checking the tire on our motorcycle, it's been a full day.

And...tomorrow is Sarah's birthday! She can finally go unescorted into the alcohol section of Wal-Mart!

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