Monday, August 20, 2007


Sarah's family came in for the weekend, and we had a really good time. We got to show them around our little corner of New Mexico. (Beforehand Sarah and I were sitting around trying to come up with activities for their visit, and after about two minutes we looked at each other and realized that there really is not much to do here. We're not ever bored, but we're not quite sure how we avoid it.)

We got to go to White Sands and to the pool a couple of times. We all had a really good time. I was hurting for several minutes at the pool, because I thought I could do a flip and a half off of the 3 meter board, but it didn't turn out so well. I can do a not-so-pretty flip and a quarter though. (Yes, that means a giant belly flop.)

In the process of getting ready for Sarah's family, we converted our third storage room back into a bedroom/TV room. The house looks great. Sarah managed to finish the painting in the family room and in the bathroom, and we made great headway on getting some of my pre-marital mess in order.

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