Sunday, July 26, 2009

big girl!

Liza is still as cute as ever, and now she even does cute things! Today she was playing with a plastic ring and decided to give it to me. Five seconds later she wanted it back, but that's a start to sharing, maybe. We spent about 10 minutes handing the ring back and forth to each other.

We also decided to measure her today. She was 23.5 lb and 29 in, putting her in the 98th and 91st percentiles in weight and length. It also means that she is over the size limits for her infant car seat, so we have to buy a new one. The best one is apparently really expensive. Yikes!

Here is a message from Liza:
z vbbvvbbvvvbv

1 comment:

lance j anders said...

holy cow! she's huge! that's awesome. can't wait to see her soon.
