Monday, March 9, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

It has been quite a while since we've had an update! Things have been going well here but we've been really busy. I spent all of last week trying to reorganize and clean as much of our house as I could so that we can put it on the market soon! I hope it goes well and that we can sell it for a good price.

My parents are here this week and we're really enjoying the time that we're getting to spend with them. Mom is having a great time with Liza. I was informed yesterday that she came to see Liza and that seeing me is a bonus... wow when did that happen? :-)

I'm at the library right now so I can't share any pictures, but we'll be sure to post some soon. We also have a few new videos of Liza that are quite cute.

For now I want to thank Holly for telling me about! It's the best thing ever. I've always had a hard time with planning what to cook for the week and just making one stop at the grocery store. I get so stressed about trying to cook things that aren't too expensive so that we can stay in our budget and eat well! is so great because it gives you a menu for the week and a shopping list to get everything that you need. It's $5 a month but so worth it. For the meals that it plans for Jordan and me, I only spend $35-45 a week for dinners. Yay! Anyway I just wanted to share that! Take a look and see if it'll be worthwhile for you!


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