Today, Liza is two weeks old. Yesterday was Heidi's first birthday and I didn't remember until around 8pm! She got TWO treats though and didn't even have to do anything for them. Wow I wish my birthdays were that good!
For Liza's two week birthday Jordan's squadron threw her a Luau! No not really but there was a Luau and we did go to it. It was basically just a BBQ and an opportunity for Jordan's squadron to kick back and relax. Lots of people got to see Liza and say how cute she is. One guy (I'm pretty sure his name was Jared) said "Oh, she's not that ugly." Thanks Jared! ;-)
When I got home with Liza it was time for her to eat and boy was she hungry! She ate a ton. I was changing her diaper (and of course she was crying) and when she suddenly stopped fussing I didn't think anything of it until I looked up and saw that she had spit up and was now lying in a pool of milk! It looked like a good amount got in her ear too. Silly thing. I guess she ate too much. She doesn't usually spit up after meals... not yet anyways.
There's not much new to report. Liza likes to sleep, eat, look around and sleep again. Here are some new pictures though!
This is a picture from Liza's first outing. (Yes it was that cold, but this was just too cute not to put on her!) We went out to coffee with my parents one morning. I think this was on Monday the 10th! She was only 3 days old :-).

Here is Jordan hanging out with Liza... he already looks like a proud father.
This picture was taken last night. Liza had her second bath (her first was on Sunday) and was very cold afterwards! After we wrapped her up like this she was much happier. (If you're wondering why there's no cover on that changing pad it's because Liza pooped on it earlier.)
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