That's Kari Haug measuring her ribbon on my belly. Everyone guessed that my belly is bigger than it really is. No one's ribbon was too small... what does that mean??? I'll try not to think about it too much.
This is me measuring myself... I was exactly right. No overlap at all! The edges touched perfectly! It was a lucky guess I suppose.
Finally, here is a picture from the Halloween party that we went to tonight. Do you get what we are?
Jordan is a speed bump warning sign and I am a (very large) speed bump! Jordan made those shirts this afternoon. He painted my tire with black craft paint and then ran over the shirt.
Well there ya go! More pregnant pictures and pictures from the baby shower. There are a few more pictures from tonight and from the shower here.
We're still waiting for the baby to arrive. I've had to chuckle a couple of times today when people have said to me, "oh! you're looking very... ready!" Haha I know that they almost said big but didn't want to hurt my feelings. It really doesn't bother me though because I know that the bigger I get, the closer we're getting to meeting our daughter. Jordan and I can't wait.
The only part of Sarah that is huge is my grandbaby who I can't wait to meet and learn her name.
Sarah, I don't think you look huge at all! We were just looking through my pictures at 38 weeks and I said to Brian "I WAS HUGE!!!" And he was quiet a minute and then said "Yup you were!" The last few weeks were the hardest, I just wanted Emma to be here already!
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