I also very much enjoyed seeing my brother and the place he lives and goes to school. We went to Cookout for dinner, which was excellent.
On the way from Raleigh to Charlotte, Sarah and I rode a Greyhound bus. That doesn't sound too exciting, but since we're still newlyweds everything is still our first, so it was our first bus trip together. It wasn't so bad, especially because the bus driver was really funny.
We also had a great time at home, although it was far too short. We had a Thanksgiving dinner at Sarah's house with both of our families on Thursday, and everything was delicious.
The highlight of the trip was my mom's surprise 50th birthday party. She was completely surprised, probably due to how great we all are at keeping secrets. Certainly it had nothing to do with the fact that her birthday had been 2 months earlier. A lot of family and friends were able to make it, so we all had a good time.
Putting on the party was a lot of work, and my dad did a great job of setting everything up. Sarah took our moms and sisters to breakfast to get her out of the house, and my dad began cooking 40 chicken-halves. Later in the day we also went to take some family pictures as a distraction and as a birthday present for my mom.
Unfortunately, on Sunday I had to come back to Alamogordo (to save vacation days) but it was cheaper for Sarah to fly back on Wednesday. This was our first time apart, and it was not nearly as exciting as our first bus ride.
To make the most of my time while I was at home by myself, I decided to rebuild my closet. Our bedroom has two closets, and I have the smaller of the two. It had one shelf overhead, and one bar, and that was it. Since I don't have very many hangy clothes, I needed more shelves, and I decided to build some.
It turned out very nicely, and while I need to put in probably 2 more shelves, that will be easy now that I've built everything. Here's a picture:
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