Friday, October 21, 2011

Liza's Pen Pal

A little while ago my friend Bethany suggested I sign Liza up for Mini Mail: Itty Bitty Pen Pals. Liza has been so excited about her pen pal Gracyn who lives in Texas!

I'm sure this is a start to a fun mail relationship for Liza and Gracyn. They both turn 3 in November and both have little brothers! They seem so similar in their interests. *sigh* I love little girls!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Aunt Kim and Joe are here in LA with us because Joe is moving out here! I'm so excited that I will have family close by! Joe and I are hoping to spend a lot of time together.

While we were on a walk this morning, Aunt Kim reminded me that I need to share pictures on the blog for those of you who don't have Facebook. Here is a link to lots of pictures that I added to Facebook recently.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

In California!

After a crazy 2 months, we are finally in Los Angeles.

I finished and defended my thesis, Judah was born on March 17th, our families came to Dayton for graduation, and we packed up our home and moved.

We are now in a hotel for a few weeks as we await a more permanent home. California is beautiful--at least our little corner in the Palos Verdes peninsula.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yeah yeah yeah

So blogging about Christmas 2 months later seems a bit ridiculous, but I've been promising these pictures to some friends... Hey better late than never right?

This first one is from when we first came down the stairs Christmas morning. Liza was really excited to see all the presents under the tree and her playhouse out and waiting for her!
The first thing she did was run inside it and start jumping up and down. This was pretty cute too:(Side note: this is a baby bed that Jordan made for Liza. I was so impressed with what he did! He even made that blanket, pillow and a covered mattress!)

Here are pictures of each side of the playhouse. It's pretty much an exact copy of one I found on another blog but I loved it so much that I just had to make it . (Some of the apples are missing in a couple pictures and I still haven't given the birds eyes or made the ears of corn yet. I've decided I'll add those last finishing touches when we get to LA.)

AND here are some pictures from a couple of nights ago... These are the kinds of pictures I get when I finish a project late at night but... oh well. :-) I decided to make my own hospital gown because I hated the ones they had so much when I had Liza. I felt completely exposed the whole time. My mom helped me make the pattern based on these Gownies I found on Amazon. I was sad that I didn't look as cute as the models in those pictures until I realized that those people are NOT 9 months pregnant! There's just no way ;-). I'm 38 weeks pregnant in these pictures! Only 2 more weeks to go now!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

We haven't written anything in... a long time. No excuses, life is just busy and there have been many more priorities.

BUT, here's a picture of Liza on her Great Uncle's horse from just after Christmas.
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