Monday, November 16, 2009

Purple Banner Designs

I just love creativity! I've been doing crafts with a friend that I've made since moving to Dayton on Fridays and it's been a blast. One of these crafts is a Christmas present for Liza that I will post a picture of after I give it to her!

A friend from New Mexico, Bethany, has taken her creativity and made it into a business! I so admire that and wish I could be as ambitious! Check out her new business when you get a chance.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

an adventure

Our time in Ohio has been quite an adventure so far. I'll hit some highlights.

I have, of course, been in school this whole time. It is occasionally hard, but even at the worst it is still easier than actually going to work every day. I have plenty of time with my wife and daughter. In comparing AFIT to USAFA with a fellow grad the other day, we concurred that while this school might be tougher academically, life here is certainly much easier.

In October we went to my Grandma's house in Ontario for Thanksgiving. Visiting so much family with Liza and Sarah was very fun.

Last weekend we went to Virginia to visit Sarah's family for apple butter, a family reunion with a spread! It was also, coincidentally, Liza's first birthday. She had a good time, and when she opened presents at dinner she tripled the number of toys she owns in about 5 minutes.

Heidi also enjoyed her time in VA. That was the first time in her life that she's been able to go outside and run around as much as she wants. It was fun for us too, because she was able to tire herself out without driving us crazy.

Liza is still adorably cute. She walks quite well, and can go absolutely wherever she pleases. She figured out recently how to climb onto our couches, endangering everything that we set up there to keep it away from her, but for the most part she is still content to stay on the ground. Today she was absolutely delighted to play with a piƱata that she got for her birthday.

No words yet, but today she and her mom were working on a duet.

Sarah convinced me to buy a computer for school about a month ago, and I got it and set it up for school exactly in the nick of time to do some necessary school work on the road. Thank you Sarah.

That was quite a big purchase for us, but even bigger is our new car. Or perhaps, not a car. My sister Hannah refers to it as a "loser cruiser." Yesterday we went out and bought a minivan. It was a big deal for me to spend such a serious amount of money, but we are all satisfied with the purchase, and now our monthly road trips will be much more enjoyable. We bought a 2006 Toyota Sienna, and as minivans go, it's pretty sweet.

Today we took a little outing as a family to take advantage of our new ride. To be fair, it was nothing that we wouldn't have done in our previous cars, but we got there so much more comfortably. We went to John Bryan state park right here in Dayton, and it was beautiful.

Pictures of everything forthcoming. As promised: pictures